A place to share the hardships and joys, lessons, triumphs, and reflections on all that is my portion in life...
I have recently begun to read a portion of Matthew Henry's commentary every day, being inspired by friends taking up the 'Matthew Henry Commentary Challenge'. Some attempt to read the whole commentary in only a year, others three years; I haven't a 'plan' in that regard, but am reading some every day! I have started in Psalm 119, which has been especially wholesome reading. Here are some portions that I found very insightful:
Psalm 119:83—For I am become like a bottle in the smoke; yet do I not forget thy statutes.
“Whatever our outward condition is we must not cool in our affection to the word of God, nor let that slip out of our minds; no care, no grief, must crowd that out. As some drink and forget the law, so others weep and forget the law; but we must in every condition, both prosperous and adverse, have the things of God in remembrance; and, if we be mindful of God’s statutes, we may pray and hope that he will be mindful of our sorrows, though for a time he seems to forget us.
Psalm 119:88—Quicken me after thy loving-kindness; so shall I keep the testimony of thy mouth.
“We cannot proceed, nor persevere, in the good way, unless God quicken us and put life into us; we are therefore here taught to depend upon the grace of God for strength to do every good work, and to depend upon it as grace, as purely the fruit of God’s favor… The surest token of God’s good-will toward us is his good work in us.”
Psalm 119:89-91—For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. Thy faithfulness is unto all generations: thou hast established the earth, and it abideth. They continue this day according to thine ordinances: for all are thy servants.
“The stability of the ordinances of day and night, of heaven and earth, is produced to prove the perpetuity of God’s covenant… All the creatures are, in their places, and according to their capacities, serviceable to their Creator, and answer the ends of their creation; and shall man be the only rebel, the only revolter from his allegiance, and the only unprofitable burden of the earth?”