
"You have put gladness in my heart, more than in the season that their grain and wine increased. I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; for You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety."

--Psalm 4:7-8--

Saturday, September 19, 2009

What's in the Name?

I have been asked why I call my blog "The Chanting Cow". Is there some hidden meaning, or significance?

My use of the title has a few different ideas behind it. I have always been intrigued by the catchy old creative inn names, especially ones in books. For instance, "The Prancing Pony" and "The Green Dragon" in LOTR, "The Red Lion" in, I think, either Sherlock Holmes or some other random literature.

Inns are places that people stop in at for a very short while. And (at least in all the books I've read), people staying at an inn like to exchange ideas, news, stories, etc., which puts a fun twist on the idea of a blog.

Of course, my 'inn' is named after our milk-cow Darcey, who I regret to say does not chant at all. We are working on her in that area-- singing psalms to her while we milk is a start! But, if she could chant I am sure she would say more interesting things than any other cow... ;-D

In closing, this idea of an 'inn' reminds me of a quote by Thomas Watson:

"The world is a great Inn; we are guests in this Inn. Travellers, when they are met in their Inn, do not spend all their time in speaking about their Inn; they are to lodge there but a few hours, and are gone; but they are speaking of their home, and the country wither they are travelling. So when we meet together, we should not be talking only about the world; we are to leave this presently; but we should talk of our heavenly country."

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